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Bugs - Items lost from a bug will only be refunded if the bug has been verified to exist after having posted a bug report. If a player is eligible for a refund, they will be contacted by Administration and their refund will be issued.
Bugs - Items lost from a bug will only be refunded if the bug has been verified to exist after having posted a bug report. If a player is eligible for a refund, they will be contacted by Administration and their refund will be issued.

Donations - Any donations made are not refundable as you are donating to keep the server online and not making any sort of purchase. Charging back your donation to Old School RSPS will result in the account being permanently banned. If you are unhappy with the donation made, please create a support ticket on Discord and we will see what can be done to help.
Donations - Any donations made are not refundable as you are donating to keep the server online and not making any sort of purchase. Charging back your donation to Old School RSPS will result in the account being permanently banned. If you are unhappy with the donation made, please create a support ticket on [ Discord] and we will see what can be done to help.

Hacks - We are not obliged to refund players any items that are lost if they were hacked. Old School RSPS provides sufficient account security methods that can be used to protect your account. We ask for players to avoid using passwords that they’ve previously used on the internet in case of any leaked databases. We also encourage players to regularly update their passwords to avoid the event of getting hacked.
Hacks - We are not obliged to refund players any items that are lost if they were hacked. Old School RSPS provides sufficient account security methods that can be used to protect your account. We ask for players to avoid using passwords that they’ve previously used on the internet in case of any leaked databases. We also encourage players to regularly update their passwords to avoid the event of getting hacked.

Revision as of 22:02, 14 March 2022

OSPS Logo.png


The Administration team reserves the right to punish any member regardless of whether or not the rule is specifically covered for any reason. These rules are to be taken as guidelines which cover general scenarios. Common sense should be used where possible as to what’s right and wrong if a certain situation is not covered.

If you are unsure whether something is considered rule-breaking, please ask a staff member before doing so. It is a players responsibility to know the rules or ask whether something is rule-breaking beforehand, we will not accept any excuses in punishment appeals.

Flame, Disrespect, Harassment and Inappropriate Content

Old School RSPS consists of players from various religions, race, sexual orientation etc. We will not tolerate any flame or disrespect towards any person, race, religion and so on. Doing so will result in temporary to permanent mutes at the discretion of staff.

Old School RSPS aims to provide a safe and friendly environment, we cannot do this if players are found to be flaming, flame baiting, being inappropriate or disrespecting each other. If players are being inappropriate in yell, we have the right to disable a players ability to yell. We will allow cursing to be an exception however this must not be excessive or aimed towards another player.

Account names that are found to be offensive or inappropriate will be given name changes or banned. We will allow players to transfer their tradeable items to a new account before it being permanently banned but anything else will not be transferred. Where name changes are done, the player will be asked to choose a more sensible name. If the player fails to do this, the staff may choose a random name for them to continue playing on Old School RSPS with.

As Old School RSPS is mainly an English speaking community, we kindly ask players to communicate in English while using Yell or the Help clan chat. This rule does not apply for any other chat.

Players must not disrespect any of the staff members. The Staff team is made up of players who are volunteering and giving their free time in order to make Old School RSPS a better and cleaner community to be an enjoyable server for players. If a player has an issue with a staff member, they should look towards contacting an Administrator to be resolved or create a staff report (if needed). Anyone found disrespecting staff will be punished based on the severity.

The ‘Help’ clan chat is to be used for help or Old School RSPS -related topics only, this is to avoid random discussions taking priority over a new player in need of help. Players must be appropriate while in this chat. Staff members reserves the right to punish the player if they do not listen to warnings given about this rule.

Exposing of a players personal info will not be tolerated even if it is public information players may not want their info spread around for personal reasons so we ask that players do not "Dox" any users for whatever reason, users who break this rule will be dealt will at the discretion of the staff team and will carry out a harsh punishment.


The act of flooding the chat with the same or unnecessary chat is not allowed. We have a fully working Auto-chat feature that players may use (Right click the Public chat tab > Auto-chat) to avoid flooding the chat and disrupting others. If a player wishes to use another auto-typer, they must set the duration to 10-15 seconds. The punishment depends on the nature of spam, if the spam consists of being extremely inappropriate or intent to cause offence to others then the punishment will be more severe.

We ask for the streamers/clans to only advertise their stream/clan once every 15 minutes. Anyone found pushing this limit after they've been warned by staff will be yell toggled.

Due to previous incidents, members should also avoid private messaging excessive amounts of players about their clan as this does fall under the spam rule for clans.


We ask for players to be respectful and not (attempt to) scam each other, it is simply immature and not worth the time for players or for staff to deal with. It is your responsibility to double check trade/duel confirmation screens, However players found using our stance on not taking action with scamming to continuously scam players will be dealt with at the discretion of the staff team.

Impersonation of staff or other players is not tolerated. Anyone found doing so will result in their account being banned and possibly will be removed depending on severity.

We cannot stop players from lending each other items. This is something that the staff members will not get involved with as we consider this a trust between the players. This is the players responsibility as they are trusting the other player to their own accord. This also applies to promises of ‘item splits’ as we see this based on trust, if agreements of splits are made they should be made clear as to how the drop will be split to prevent any issues and altercations. If you are not willing to lose an item, do not lend it out.

Player-run gambling is forbidden and is not something the staff team encourages. An example of this being “shielding”. We instead encourage players to make use of other methods such as the Duel Arena where it is much safer. Any person found taking part in player-run gambling activities will be punished at the discretion of the staff team. If a player is to be scammed in player-ran gambles, they will not be entitled to any refunds.


Old School RSPS aims to provide a fair experience for all its players so the use of any macro, auto-clicker, scripts, bot/client or anything else of this nature is strictly prohibited. Auto-talkers are an exception to this however these must be set to 10-15 seconds delay, alternatively the player may use the built-in auto-chat feature.

Staff members will regularly conduct checks on suspected bot/macro users, the player must reply to these checks or risk being punished. If you are found breaking this rule, it will result in a temporary ban of the account along with a reset of skills and items being emptied. Repeated offences of this will result in a permanent punishment.


Members must not mention or discuss any other active RSPS servers or communities. We also encourage members to not advertise Old School RSPS on other RSPS’s, as doing so will lead to punishment. Breaking this rule will result in a temporary to permanent punishment at the discretion of staff handling the offence.

Clans/Streamers may only advertise themselves every 15 minutes in yell. Anyone found throwing shade to anyone doing so within their advertisements will be dealt with harshly at our discretion as this was proven to be causing issues between players previously.

Vote Abusing

The act of using methods to vote abuse is strictly prohibited. These methods include, but are not limited to, using VPNs and VMs etc. Not only will this harm the economy with bringing in a vast amount of rewards but it also puts us at risk of being delisted from the vote sites. This will result in a severe punishment, typically a permanent ban.


Hacking on the server is not and will never be acceptable in this community. We take the privacy of members seriously here so breaking this rule will result in a permanent punishment.

Bug Abuse

If a bug is found, players must report it in the bug section for the development team to fix. We do not expect players to continue abusing a bug or telling others about it. We aim to provide a fun and enjoyable experience for players, abusing bugs does not help with this. Any player found breaking this rule will be punished based on the severity.

Real World Trading

The act of purchasing or selling any accounts, items or services with other players is strictly forbidden regardless of it being Old School RSPS related. Attempting to RWT will also result in the same punishment. This will result in permanent punishments on the player and any other accounts that are involved at the discretion of staff. Graphics services are excluded from this rule, however the payment of such services must be using Old School RSPS items/gp.

Account Sharing

Players are to not share their account details with others, this applies especially to their siblings or close friends. They are expected to be the only owner of the account and be responsible for its security. If players are found account sharing, the account will be permanently banned and any items that may have been exchanged by players on to the account will not be refunded. This also applies to account giveaways.

The only exception to this rule is for Group ironman & Yin-yang accounts. This is solely for the purpose of retrieving your own items from the account if the account owner has not been able to login to return items to other members of the group. However we will not be responsible for any items lost.

Punishment Evasion

If a player is banned and restricted from creating new accounts, they are expected to carry out the punishment length and not attempt to evade their punishment. If a player is found avoiding their punishment, their original punishment length will be extended, possibly resulting in a permanent ban.

If a player finds themselves banned on one of their accounts, they should generally avoid pestering staff about their account status. If the player continues to harass the staff member in question, the staff has the right to temporarily mute the player.


We aim for the Wilderness to be a place of little rules as much as possible.

Farming is not allowed, whether it be for the kills or blood money. We have measures put in place to combat this issue but players must not attempt to bypass this under any circumstances. The punishment for this will depend on the severity but it will typically result in temporary bans on the accounts involved.

Multi-logging in the wilderness with 2 accounts or more is strictly not allowed, this also extends to using 2 accounts for an advantage while killing players or monsters. This rule extends to using one account to Teleblock a player and log in to another account as 2 accounts are both being used for the same thing giving the player who is using 2 accounts an advantage. This also applies in a pvm setting if 1 account is being used to weaken a monsters and the player switches accounts to finish off the monster in question.

Players found to be in violation of these rules will be subject to warnings and/or punishments based on the discretion of the staff team.


Disconnections - If a player has lost items due to a server disconnection, they can expect to be refunded. This does not insure instances where only you have been disconnected, as it could have very well been your own connection to the server at fault. If there is no indication of the server disconnecting leading to the loss of items, a refund will not be in place.

Bugs - Items lost from a bug will only be refunded if the bug has been verified to exist after having posted a bug report. If a player is eligible for a refund, they will be contacted by Administration and their refund will be issued.

Donations - Any donations made are not refundable as you are donating to keep the server online and not making any sort of purchase. Charging back your donation to Old School RSPS will result in the account being permanently banned. If you are unhappy with the donation made, please create a support ticket on Discord and we will see what can be done to help.

Hacks - We are not obliged to refund players any items that are lost if they were hacked. Old School RSPS provides sufficient account security methods that can be used to protect your account. We ask for players to avoid using passwords that they’ve previously used on the internet in case of any leaked databases. We also encourage players to regularly update their passwords to avoid the event of getting hacked.

Scams - Refunds from scams will generally not be given (especially if it was a trust trade) if the items are still in the economy. Falling for scams should be a thing of the past with how simple it is to avoid them. An example being the Duel arena providing the ability to check your opponents inventory to prevent a scam from occurring. Exceptions to this can be made depending on the situation where proof is provided.