Discovery NPC locations

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On this page you can find a complete list of all killable discovery monsters. You need to kill all monsters to obtain their field notes and collect the 'duplicity relic'.

Table of contents

Basic Beings

In the 'Basic Beings' research class you will find a total of 17 different monsters. You will need to kill all monstsers on the list to obtain all 17 Field Notes.

Find the monster list here (click expand):

Monster Locations
Rat Found in the Discovery Forest just east of the Skills' Hall at home


Found in the Varrock Sewers: Cities -> Varrock -> Run north-east -> Enter the manhole on the east side of the Varrock castle wall. Killing any of the rats in here counts for the field notes drop
Imp Found in the Discovery Forest just east of the Skills' Hall at home


Chasm of Fire dungeon entrance: Slayer -> Chasm of Fire -> Click the rope and go upstairs


North/east of the Dominion Zone: Minigames -> Dominion Zone)
Chicken Found in the Chicken Pen north east of Lumbridge: Cities -> Lumbridge -> Run east across the bridge -> When you get to the goblins, run north past the cow pen and the chickens will appear west
Goblin Found in Lumbridge: Cities -> Lumbridge -> Run east across the bridge
Cow Found in the Cow pen north east of the Lumbridge teleport: Cities -> Lumbridge -> Run east across the bridge -> When you get to the goblins, run north until you see the cows on the east
Monkey Found on the island of Karamja: Use a charged amulet of glory to teleport here -> Right click the amulet -> Click Rub -> Click option 2 "Karamja" -> Run south west and you see the monkeys
Snake Found on the island of Karamja: Use a charged amulet of glory to teleport here -> Right click the amulet -> Click Rub -> Click option 2 "Karamja" -> Run south west and you see the snakes
Giant Spider Found south west of the Tree Gnome Stronghold: Skilling -> Agility -> Gnome Stronghold -> run south west just south of the fishing spots


east of Lumbridge teleport -> Cities -> Lumbridge -> Run east across the bridge and they are amongst the goblins
Wizard Found at the Wizards' tower just south of Draynor: Use a charged amulet of glory to teleport here -> Right click the amulet -> Click Rub -> Click option 3 "Draynor village" -> Run south across the bridge to the Wizards' tower


Use the fairy ring at home -> Go to fairy code: DIS


Cities -> Draynor -> Run south across the bridge to the Wizards' tower
Man Found in Lumbridge: Cities -> Lumbridge
Woman Found in Lumbridge: Cities -> Lumbridge
Wolf Found on the White Wolf Mountain just north east of Catherby: Skilling -> Fishing -> Catherby -> Run north east up the mountain
Mugger Found in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon: Dungeon -> Asgarnian Ice Dungeon -> Run west
Dwarf Found at the Dwarven Mine west of the Barbarian village: Training -> Stronghold of Security -> Run west until you get to the Dwarven Mine
Gnome Found in the Tree Gnome Stronghold: Skilling -> Agility -> Gnome Stronghold
Bear Found in the Discovery Forest just east of the Skills' Hall at home


Cities -> Ardougne -> Follow the path East
Scorpion Found in the Al-kharid Mine: Skilling -> Mining -> Al-kharid Mine

Basic Monsters

In the 'Basic Monsters' research class you will find a total of 17 different monsters. You will need to kill all monstsers on the list to obtain all 17 Field Notes.

Find the monster list here (click expand):

Monster Locations
Minotaur Found in the Stronghold of Security: Training -> Stronghold of Security -> Go down the ladder and head East
Skeleton Found in various dungeons: Dungeons -> Edgeville Dungeon -> Run North


Dungeons -> Taverly Dungeon -> Run North
Unicorn Found just south of Edgeville: Training -> Stronghold of Security -> Run north


Cities -> Edgeville -> Run south
Zombie Found in various places: Slayer Masters -> Vannaka -> run slightly south


Training -> Stronghold of Security -> Go down the ladder -> Navigate to Gift of Peace using World Map and climb down.
Hill Giant Found in various locations: Slayer -> Catacombs of Kourend -> Navigate using World Map


Slayer Masters -> Vannaka -> Follow the path South
Barbarian Found in the babarian village south of Edgeville: Training -> Stronghold of Security
Thug Found in the Wilderness part of the Edgeville Dungeon: Slayer Masters -> Vannaka -> Go Northwest through gate (Note this part is within the WILDERNESS and you are in risk of getting killed by other players - DO NOT RISK ANYTHING YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE)
Chaos Druid Found in the Wilderness part of the Edgeville Dungeon: Slayer Masters -> Vannaka -> Go Northwest through gate (Note this part is within the WILDERNESS and you are in risk of getting killed by other players - DO NOT RISK ANYTHING YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE)


Dungeons -> Taverly Dungeon -> Follow the path North
Icefiend Found on the Ice Mountain: Cities -> Falador -> Use map, Run North to Ice Mountain


Cities -> Edgeville -> Run West


Training -> Stronghold of Security -> Run northwest
Earth Warrior Found in the Wilderness part of the Edgeville Dungeon: Slayer Masters -> Vannaka -> Go Northwest through gate (Note this part is within the WILDERNESS and you are in risk of getting killed by other players - DO NOT RISK ANYTHING YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE) -> Go North and climb across the bars
Big Frog Found in the Lumbridge Swamp Cave: Slayer -> Lumbridge Swamp Cave -> Run West then head South
Cave Bug Found in the Lumbridge Swamp Cave: Slayer -> Lumbridge Swamp Cave -> Run west
Cave Slime Found in the Lumbridge Swamp Cave: Slayer -> Lumbridge Swamp Cave -> Run West then head either direction
Cave Crawler Found in the Lumbridge Swamp or in the Fremennik Dungeon: Slayer -> Lumbridge Swamp Cave -> Run West then head either direction and run East


Slayer -> Fremennik Dungeon
Cockatrice Found in the Fremennik Dungeon: Slayer -> Fremennik Dungeon -> Follow the path (do NOT use the agility shortcut)
Wall Beast Found in the Lumbridge Swamp Cave: Slayer -> Lumbridge Swamp Cave -> Run West then head South (2 close spawns) *These are found on the walls of one tile gaps throughout the dungeon
Flesh Crawler Found in the Stronghold of Security: Training -> Stronghold of Security -> Go down ladder. Navigate to the Gift of Peace using World Map and climb down the ladder.

Moderate Monsters

In the 'Moterate Monsters' research class you will find a total of 17 different monsters. You will need to kill all monstsers on the list to obtain all 17 Field Notes.

Find the monster list here (click expand):

Monster Locations
Pyrefiend Found in the Frennik Slayer Dungeon: Slayer -> Fremennik Dungeon -> Navigate using World Map
Jelly Found in the Frennik Slayer Dungeon or Jormungand's Prison: Slayer -> Fremennik Dungeon -> Navigate using World Map
Basilisk Found in the Frennik Slayer Dungeon or Jormungand's Prison: Slayer -> Fremennik Dungeon -> Navigate using World Map


Slayer -> Jormungand's Prison -> Run southeast
Cave Horror Found in the Mos'le Harmless slayer dungeon: Slayer -> Mos'le Harmless -> They are scattered around the cave
Dust Devil Found in multiple locations: Slayer -> Catacombs of Kourend -> Run southeast


Dungeons -> Smoke Dungeon -> Run east
Lesser Demon Found in multiple locations: Slayer -> Catacombs of Kourend -> Run East past the Ghosts


Slayer -> Chasm of Fire
Greater Demon Found in multiple locations: Slayer -> Catacombs of Kourend -> Run to the most norteastern corner


Slayer -> Chasm of Fire -> Go down the lift
Ankou Found in multiple locations: Slayer -> Catacombs of Kourend -> Run south (or use the wolrd map to navigate


Training -> Stronghold of Security -> Go down the rope and navigate using the world map, go to the 4th floor
Fire Giant Found in multiple locations: Training -> Fire Giants


Slayer -> Stronghold Slayer Cave -> Run Southwest
Dagannoth Found in multiple locations: Slayer -> Catacombs of Kourend -> Use the world map to navigate


Slayer -> Jormunhand's Prison -> Run Northeast
Chaos Dwarf xx
Khalphite Soldier xx
Waterfiend xx
TzHaar xx
Hellhound xx
Moss Giant xx
Dangerous Spider xx


Find the monster list here (click expand):

Monster Locations
xx xx