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Hello everybody,

Thanks for checking out my Cerberus guide, more information can be seen down below.

How to get there

Use the Teleport Crystal located at ::home and navigate through options: Bosses(2) > Cerberus (E). You can then turn an Iron Winch located near the gates to access Cerberus's lair.


Cerberus is weakest against crush weapons, followed by stab weapons. Ideal weapons would be: Inquisitor's mace > Abyssal bludgeon > Dragon hunter lance > Zamorak hasta

Alternatively, a whip also works fine, it just doesn't hit as high like a crush weapon for example. A gear set-up as shown below is more than you will ever need.

Tip: Crystal halberd and dragon halberds are amazing spec-weapons for Cerberus!

Your inventory should like something like this, depending on your prayer level or whether you or not you are an iron-man:

Inventory tab.png
Blank slot.png
Empty space.png
Blank slot.png
Helm of neitiznot.png
Blank slot.png
Max cape.png
Blank slot.png
Amulet of fury.png
Blank slot.png
Ancient blessing.png
Blank slot.png
Inquisitor's mace.png
Blank slot.png
Fighter torso.png
Blank slot.png
Dragon defender.png
Blank slot.png
Dharok's platelegs.png
Blank slot.png
Barrows gloves.png
Blank slot.png
Dragon boots.png
Blank slot.png
Berserker ring (i).png

Inventory tab.png
Prayer potion(4).png
Prayer potion(4).png
Prayer potion(4).png
Prayer potion(4).png
Super combat potion(4).png
Crystal halberd.png


Cerberus uses all three attack styles: Magic, Ranged and Melee. You can easily distuingish a Magic attack from a Ranged attack, as the Magic attack is a round ball-shape, and a Ranged attack is a ball-shape with spikes. But that doesn't really matter, as the most efficient prayer to have on is protect from magic at all times. You will still take damage from ranged and melee hits occasionally, but magic would deal the most damage to me.

Cerberus also has two special attacks.

  • Cerberus spits three fireballs, one landing ON you and two landing around you. Standing in one of these pits of fire will continously deal damage to you, so move! Usually 1 tile is enough. You can identify the fire ball attack when Cerberus gets text over her head saying: Grrrrrrrr. When she growls, you move one tile away from where you are standing to avoid this attack.
  • Cerberus can summon three ghosts, you can identify this attack easily as there will appear text over her head saying: Arrroooooo. Each ghost will attack in its respective attack style.
    • Blue ghost = Magic
    • Green ghost = Ranged
    • Red ghost = Melee

When you don't pray the correct prayer or if you're too late, it will hit you and drain 30 prayer points or 30 hitpoints for each ghost hitting you. If you're unlucky, this will completely drain your prayer so be careful. A spectral Spirit shield should negate this damage.

On the image below you see four highlighted tiles. The single tile is where I like to stand during the entire fight, I tag Cerberus and run back to this tile. The 3 tiles in a row are an indicator on when to flick prayers. The three ghosts all have an attack animation, Blue ghost shoots a blue ball, green ghost shoots a green ball and red ghost is the ghost itself flying towards you. When the ball or red ghost hits or passes those three tiles, you pray the respective prayer. The trick to this method is to pray late, if you pray the respective prayer BEFORE the animation reaches the tiles, you will most likely get hit. If you pray when it hits that tile or just after, you will be protected most of the time.

TIP: If you are already praying mage and the first ghost is magic, switch to ranged real quick and back to magic when the animation starts. If you don't do this, it counts as praying too early, resulting in you getting hit.

Cerberus tile indicators.png


To view Cerberus droptable, click here.