Search the boxes in a shop in Taverley.
Skilling - Farming - Taverly -> Run North-West to sword shop and search boxes.
Speak to Sarah at Falador farm
Skilling - Farming - Falador -> Run through the cabbage patch to speak to Sarah located in the house.
Search the drawers downstairs of houses in the eastern part of Falador.
Cities - Falador -> Run East
Impossible to make angry
Cities - Edgeville -> Run North-West to Monastery and speak to Abbot Langley.
Search the drawers on the ground floor of a building facing Ardougne's Market.
Cities - Ardougne -> Go in the building North of tp.
Search the boxes in the house near the south entrance to Varrock.
Cities - Varrock -> Run South
I wouldn't wear this jean on my legs.
Training - Sand Crabs -> Run North to Hosidius Church and speak to Father Jean.
Search the crates in a house in Yanille that has a piano.
Cities - Yanille -> Run to the house East of tp.
A crate found in the tower of a church is your next location.
Cities - Ardougne -> Run to the church and climb to the 2nd floor.
Search the crates in Canifis.
Cities - Canafis -> Go into building north of bank.
Search the boxes just outside the Armour shop in East Ardougne.
Cities - Ardougne
Search the crates in the Dwarven mine.
Skilling - Mining - Falador -> Run to the North-West area.
Speak to the Lady of the Lake.
Dungeons - Taverly Dungeon -> Run North-East to peninsula.
Search the drawers in Falador's chain mail shop.
Cities - Falador -> Run South below the Castle to armor shop.
Search the boxes in one of the tents in Al Kharid.
Cities - Al-Kharid -> Run North-East.
I wonder how many bronze swords he has handed out.
Slayer Masters - Vannaka
Search chests found in the upstairs of shops in Port Sarim.
Cities - Port Sarim -> Go upstairs of the building below fishing shop.
Talk to a party-goer in Falador
Cities - Falador -> Run East to party room and speak to Lucy on the 2nd floor.
Search the crate in the left-hand tower of Lumbridge Castle.
Cities - Lumbridge
Search the wheelbarrow in Rimmington mine.
Cities - Rimmington -> Run North-East
Search the crate near a cart in Port Khazard.
Minigames - Dominion Zone -> Run North-East to Port Khazard.
Search the drawers in Catherby's Archery shop.
Skilling - Fishing - Catherby -> Run to range shop.
Someone watching the fights in the Duel Arena is your next destination.
Minigames - Duel Arena -> Go upstairs and find Jeed.
Search the tents in the Imperial Guard camp in Burthorpe for some boxes.
Minigames - Warriors' Guild
Search the bookcase in the monastery.
Cities - Edgeville -> Run West to the monastery.
Search for a crate on the ground floor of a house in Seers' Village.
Skilling - Agilities - Rooftop Courses - Seers' -> Run West to house South of the pub.
Belladonna, my dear. If only I had gloves, then I could hold you at last.
Cities - Draynor -> Run North to Draynor Manor farming patch.
Search the drawers in the upstairs of a house in Catherby.
Skilling - Farming - Catherby -> Go upstairs of the house South of tp.
Search the drawers in one of Gerrrude's bedrooms.
Skilling - Cooking - Cooking Guild -> Follow the path South and go in the building.
Dig under Ithoi's cabin.
Skilling - Hunter - Feldip Hills -> Run West to agility shortcut (30 agility required). Then run South-East.
Skilling - Hunter - Hunting Ground (Requires $50+ dono for tp) -> Run West to agility shortcut (30 agility required). Then run South-East.
Dig in the centre of a great kingdom of 5 cities.
Slayer - Catacombs of Kourend -> Climb up the vine and dig on the spot.