A demon's best friend holds the next step of this clue.
Dungeons - Taverly Dungeon -> Kill a hellhound (Navigate using World Map).
A Guthixian ring lies between two peaks. Search the stones and you'll find what you seek.
Skilling - Farming - Taverly -> Run North and search the stones at Druid's Circle.
A reck you say; let's pray there aren't any ghosts.
City - Lumbridge -> Run to the church and speak to Donnie.
A ring of water surrounds 4 powerful rings, dig above the ladder located there.
Bosses - Daggonnoth
Dig where the forces of Zamorak and Saradomin collide.
Bosses - Abyssal Sire -> Run North of the middle and enter the Abyss. Dig Next to the law rift in the North-East section. (Can only enter from North Side)
Dobson is my last name, and with gardening I seek fame.
City - Ardougne -> Run West and speak to Horacio in the garden of Handelmort Mansion.
Even the seers say this clue goes right over their heads.
Skilling - Agility - Rooftop Courses - Seers' -> Search crate ontop of the agility course.
Ghostly bones.
Slayer - Catacombs of Kourend -> Kill and Ankou.
His bark is worse than his bite.
Skilling - Agility - Rooftop Courses - Canafis -> Run North and speak with Barker.
I am the one who watches the giants. The giants in turn watch me. I watch with two while they watch with one. Come seek where I may be.
Minigames - Warriors' Guild -> Head to the top floor and speak with Kamfreena.
Scattered coins and gems fill the floor. The chest you seek is in the north east.
Bosses - King Black Dragon -> Kill King Black Dragon and open the chest there with the key it drops.
'See you in your dreams' said the vegetable man.
Miningames - Dominion Zone -> Speak to Dominic Onion
Show this to Sherlock.
Fairy ring - BLR -> Run North and speak to Sherlock.
Kandarin Headgear (3) -> Sherlock (Requires 25 achievements)
You must be 100 to play with me.
Minigames - Pest Control -> Run to Veteran boat and speak to the squire.
Mix yellow with blue and add heat, make sure you bring protection.
Wilderness - Green Dragons -> Kill a green dragon
Dungeon - Ancient Cavern -> Kill a brutal green dragon
Donator Zone -> Go down stairs - > Kill a green dragon.
You'll have to plug your nose if you use this source of herbs.
Slayer - Canafis tower -> Kill an aberrant spectre.
You'll get licked.
Slayer - Canafis Tower -> Kill a bloodveld.
Slayer - Catacombs of Kourend -> Kill a bloodveld.
Reflection is the weakness for these eyes of evil.
Slayer - Fremennik Dungeon -> Kill a basilisk
Slayer - Jormungand's Prison -> Kill a basilisk.
Right on the blessed border, cursed by the evil ones. On the spot inaccessible by both; I will be waiting. The bugs' imminent possession holds the answer.
Fairy ring - BIP -> Dig center of fairy ring.
I burn between heroes and legends.
Skilling - Farming - Falador Fruit tree -> Run to candle house next to bank.
Skilling - Fishing - Catherby -> Run to candle house next to bank.
The beasts retreat, for their Queen is gone; the song of this town still plays on. Dig near the birthplace of a blade, be careful not to melt your spade.
Skilling - Fishing - Piscatoris -> Run South to furnace.
W marks the spot.
Minigames - Warriors Guild -> Dig near the middle of the Warriors' Guild entrance room.
Let's hope you don't meet a watery death when you encounter this fiend.
Dungeon - Ancient Cavern -> Kill a waterfiend
You will have to fly high where a sword cannot help you.
Bosses - God Wars Dungeon -> Kill an aviansie.
You might have to turn over a few stones to progress.
Training - Rock Crabs -> Kill a rock crab.